
Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: Season 2 Episode 11


So this week, we begin with Benzino making himself a smoothie and Kirk dropping by to pay him a visit and get some clarity. He vents about Rasheeda shooting the video and spending HIS money. Please, what does Kirk do? As far as I am concerned Rasheeda is who makes the money. Benzino gives sound advice and says Kirk needs to get his mind right because he hates to see a “power couple” like this going through this. Benzino suggests they take a trip outside ATL to clear their heads and for him to stop feeling sorry for himself that he can’t find anyone. Mimi and Krazy meet up to clear the air- of course. They talk it out and Mimi tells her that she needs to let her go through her battles. Mimi informs her that she and Nicko are done. They hug it out and say numerous I love you’s. End scene.

Traci continuing peacemaking duties, decides to go talk to Shay to find out what happened with the fight with Erica. Not to be redundant about this show’s location choices, but they met up at Cream (a club I have frequented when I was in ATL). Why on earth are they meeting up at a club in the daytime? Traci confronts Shay and was upset about Shay cussing her out. Shay said she is changing and honestly I am not sure what they started arguing about. How did this become about their friendship? These women are on level 1000 and need several chill pills. Erica is wrapping up gifts that turn out to be for her daughter. Cut to scene of the whole family celebrating the little girl’s birthday and Queen Mother Momma Dee was crowning Imani and I swear she said “by the power invested in me…”. Erica says she has to talk to Scrappy because a warrant has been issued for his arrest and she feels he needs to get his life together and she can’t keep playing mommy and daddy every time he goes to jail.

Traci is with her new boo (the Neyo on steroids looking guy whose head looks like a penis head-veins included). Traci introduces him to DJ Drew who cuts to the chase and starts insulting him and saying he wasn’t cute and looked like Seal’s son. I swear I could see Traci crack a smile at being pleased at Drew’s reaction. Drew tells her that if he wanted to scoop her, he could. Something tells me he is not wrong. New besties, Joseline and Krazy are meeting up to hang out. Joseline tells her she called her to ask what she thought about she and Stevie in the industry. She tells K that she wants a commitment and Krazy tells her Stevie won’t commit regardless of if her “coochie smells like roses”. She tells her that she was in the same position starting out and she lost focus. She tells her to be in love if she wants to but to not get hurt (which kinda doesn’t make sense, since love is a 50/50 chance)

Scrappy is reading to his daughter (who knew he could read?). He breaks the news to her that he is going to jail and it’s just an uncomfortable conversation especially as Scrappy apologizes to his daughter. I especially don’t know how I felt when Imani mentioned another friend whose dad was in jail too. Cut to Rasheeda’s baby shower and the ladies trade their baby stories where Karli and Traci let us know that their water broke during sex. Rasheeda updates them on her and Kirk’s troubles and she says that she feels he is accusing her because he is the one stepping out on her. Kirk says he is “tired of raising his kids” and takes a break with Benzino and Bobby Valentino (who seems to be angling for a spot on this show). Traci and Drew meet up and Traci says she was surprised at his reaction and Drew says he doesn’t want her to be happy with SteroidNeyo. He says he feels SteroidNeyo has the dude that he should be with. But Drew was just being a dude, he gets up and grabs her face trying to kiss her and I am actually proud of Traci for sticking to her guns and setting Drew straight. Joker.

Momma Dee, looking nice I have to say, drives Scrappy to turn himself in and Erica is waiting for them and they actually hug and Momma Dee even thanks her for being here. Momma Dee cries through the process. Stevie is in the studio listening to what I assume is an over autotuned Joseline track? She tells him that they need to be committed. She asks him, “Do you love me?” Our beloved Stevie said, “Is a pig pork?” LMAO. She expresses her concern about people thinking of her as a “side bitch”, she starts to cry and Stevie goes for his move. I was actually confused by Joseline’s outburst and where it came from. Stevie surprised me with his reaction and said he loves her and if she wants to be closer then he will do what it takes, he didn’t even flinch when she mentioned engagement and simply said he needs more time.

Kirk expresses joy over this trip not being what he imagined and instead there’s women everywhere. The alcohol is flowing and I even spy Bambi from Basketball wives LA all over Benzino. They are playing strip poker, and immature Kirk says he wants to go back to doing what he did when he was 21. Like wtf though? Ugh. Benzino calls him aside and says he doesn’t want him to do anything that he might regret. Kirk insists on staying on his “I’m doing me” train ride. Kirk says he is envious of Will and Jada because they are rich and have an open relationship. Kirk the Bastard goes ahead to say he has been living in a cage called Rasheeda and he wants to be free. The episode doesn’t end with a fight this time but with Kirk walking into a bedroom with 2 women. So disgusting.

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