
Love and Hip Hop New York: Season 4 Episode 3

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Episode begins with Gunz expressing relief about being able to stop Amina from spilling the beans to his baby mama. He is expressing his fears to Rich. Rich tells him that he is a creep and Gunz is a creep also but he needs to stop straddling the fence. Gunz admits that he needs to confess and come clean. We see Joe Budden in a strip club smoking on some Hookah and Nya walks in. She says she respects him and they have long history from the strip club and he reached out to him for some advice. She lists her “accomplishments” and then tells Joe that she wants to do a song with Erica Mena. Joe tells us that Erica’s talent is yet to be determined in the game and novice leading novice is not a good idea. Nya for some reason is set on her idea to collaborate with Erica. Tara tells us she receives a text from Gunz inviting her to the studio cuz they have to talk. Tara says she is nervous because he never invites her to the studio. Gunz comes clean and says that he fucked up and has been messing with Amina. Tara asks how long it has been. Gunz says what does it matter? And she says it does and he says it’s been a while. She slaps him and yells and tells him to go be with Amina. She says something funny, that she has given him the best thing a woman could which is 13 years of putting up with his ish. Ell oh ell. She storms out the studio.

Erica meets up with a friend, Mystik to shop. Both in very tight dresses showcasing their behinds. She confesses that she has been seeing Saigon and her friend is not happy about that but Erica maintains that she really thinks he has changed this time. Didn’t this man just ask this woman for a paternity test? Ugh. Erica comes up with the whole trying for the sake of a child thing. Erica says she will do the test if it serves as a way for them to start their relationship from scratch. Amina is meeting with Gunz and says that she gave him an ultimatum. Gunz tells her he told her that they smashed and Amina was like that’s it? You didn’t tell her you love me? Gunz said why would I stick the knife to someone who is the mother of his kids and held him down for years. Umm, marrying someone else wasn’t a knife? Erica and Nya meet up in a studio – WHO IS GIVING THESE PEOPLE STUDIO TIME?? – Nya tells Erica that she needs her to be focused on the music instead of everything else and somehow it led to a screaming match.

Cue the emotional music and cue your emotions because suddenly we are watching Tara stare at pics of her and Gunz and shedding tears. Like we just watched her, walk in, walk out and then fix her hair in front of the mirror. Yandy, in yet another top showing abs is meeting up with Tara and Tara tells her what is happening. Yandy gives her words of encouragement but doesn’t admit to knowing too. Tara says she is done with Gunz since hes done that to her before so shes done and doesn’t want to hear anything from him but Amina she wants to hear from and wants to be at her first show. Yandy says to just let her know when. Erica steps in with her new girlfriend although I am not sure why they call each other friends and not more. It’s funny how her girlfriend says she’d rather they had gone to Chipotle. Tahiry and Joe are together and she says she is scared to tell him that she got the role and she is going to take it. I have to say these two are boring so far. Joe says it seems like their relationship is on the rocks and she is adding rocks to it. As they talk, she finds hair on the bed and asks whose it is and he says its his friends. She also sees that he has changed the sheets. She continues to rants and Joe talks to her in his psychopath tone telling her she has trust issues.

Yandy and Rich meet up and Yandy tells Rich that Tara now knows everything. Yandy says she needs to decide if she will be at the show or not. Erica and Saigon are together for the DNA test. They convince themselves that it is a symbol of them moving forward. He says the test result will be on his bday and she is invited to his birthday party. Erica is on our screen again talking about this imaginary money she and Rich make together. Rich’s office’s looks like a rented boardroom. She complains about Nya and she asks what they can do together. It would appear Rich has given up on Olivia? Erica brings up her sex book and how she is dating a girl now, she starts describing her relationship and somehow Rich starts sweating. Rich and Yandy meet up at an Amina performance. As they discuss, Tara comes up and Amina says at some point they had to meet. She tells him that Gunz said that he is just smashing her. Tara asks how she could not have known that they were together. Amina says that she feels guilty but she is so deep in it and they love each other and in a total “reality” moment, AMina pulls out what I think is a marriage certificate out from her bra and says I am his wife. Tara jumps up and slaps her and security earn their check for the week.

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