
Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: Season 4 Episode 10


We start today’s ratchedness with Kalenna and her bff/smash buddy, Ashley at the strip club making it rain. She is admitting that her husband is right and she isn’t paying enough attention to her album and no matter how much attention she gives Ashley, she always wants more. She even stole her phone so her husband can’t bother her…errr…strange. Kalenna tells Ashley that she needs to focus and Ashley has the balls to be like why are you always “tony this, tony that” eerrr THAT’S HER HUSBAND!!! Kalenna says that she forgot how crazy Ashley was. She calls her husband and Ashley is dancing around like a little child. She eventually says she can’t do this and she needs to go home.

Dry Tammy’s clothing line “T.Rivera” is out and instead of a fashion show she says it’s a fashion presentation? Which I guess is people standing by a window in the designs. I guess a mannequin could have done that. She and Wacka take a minute alone and decide they want to get married with just them. Scrappy and his momma issues continue with him having to have a conversation with Erica P. Before she sits she says that he has been hitting her up with booty call texts and wassup with that? Scrappy tries to deny it and says his mom told him that anyone who saves texts is up to something. Scrappy eventually admits to sending the texts and he says it was because he was in his feelings. He says it will always be friendship between them because she is crazy. She tells him that she has confided in him and Scrappy says he did the same but she let it out. They begin to argue and honestly Erica P was just being belligerent the whole time. She tells him she will slap him and Scrappy says he dares her to cuz if she does it’ll be the last damn time she slaps someone implying he would retaliate. Before we know it the screen is blacked out and we return to a disheveled Erica P and security carrying out Scrappy. So you just know that Scrappy put his money where his mouth is but Mona Scott aint finna have more controversy.

Stevie goes to talk to Joseline who is playing tennis by herself. She tells us that she is not giving him no “Cooty-Cat” cuz he doesn’t deserve it. Stevie maintains that he did not smash Althea.  Joseline was like I hope her &^%$ was worth it. She says he has Filet Mignon and he went to get Hamburger Helper. She tells him that she had sex with him the same reason she had sex with him and Joseline gives the most hilarious wonderful “ughhh, why are you confused?” face [see above]. I had to rewind. She tells him she needs him to get his shit together cuz she is thisclose to moving far from Atlanta and he will never see her. Stevie tells her that they are forever and she is not going anywhere. She tells him to sleep in the dog house where he belongs and this useless man howled loool

Benzino goes to see a doc as a follow-up to his being shot. He says the shooting makes him appreciate his woman. Benzino slips in a funny as the doc shows him his x-ray. He says everyone says he doesn’t have a neck but he can see one in his x-ray.  We see Tammy and Wacka get ready for their wedding and they go to a courthouse and get it done. Benzino gets back home to Althea as he requests a cream soda. He continues to reflect and says it’s a starting point for their relationship regardless of her and Stevie’s past. They discuss why Stevie is denying it and Althea asks how all 4 of them can move forward if they aren’t being genuine about the situation.

Kalenna and her purple hair is talking to her husband and admitting he was right. She gets all defensive and her husband tells her he can’t deal with Ashley and Kalenna admits that she needs to send Ashley home and her being around is not conducive for her. Then we find out that they have a 7yr old son who lives with her mom in Texas and I am just like..whaaa?? You can’t raise your son but you are turning up with your bff? Oh dear. Tammy and Wacka decide to tell their mums that they are married. The moms don’t take it very well. Wacka’s mom thinks the timing, so soon after the death of his brother.

Momma Dee shows up at Erica P’s door with flowers and she says Scrappy was in the wrong. Erica P says Scrappy knows about her abusive past and she never expected him to do that to her. Joseline and Karlie meet up and Joseline tells her how Stevie didn’t admit to it. She said she is over it and she is going out of town and she doesn’t want to look at him anymore. She says she wants to get her own apartment as Karlie continues her fake empathy. Ashley and Kalenna are together again and Ashley tells her that she feels like she is sharing her. Errrrr..Kalenna says she should feel like, she is married. Ashley asks if she loves her and Kalenna says she loves her but she loves her husband more. Like she wants to be buried on top of her husband more. Ashley begins to cry and says that what Kalenna said is hurtful. Ugh I am aggravated already. They talk some more but basically they “break up”.

Benzino and Althea are on some kind of date as they declare their love to each other and Althea thinks they are going to have sex on the skyline they are on. Then he begins to spew some lines that turn out to be the beginning of a proposal since he gets down on one knee and brandishes a ring as Althea fake squeals and says yes to his proposal.

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