
#Married2Med: Season 6 Episode 14 Recap

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How long ago was this filmed? Because we begin with Jessica Dime (LHHATL) and her fiance paying a visit to Dr. Jackie. Dr. Jackie lets us know that she cut back on her hours and is investing in time with Curtis. Honestly, I get time is important but everytime I see Curtis’s face he just seems like a weasel and so undeserving of all the sacrifices Jackie is making. I mean what sacrifices has he made? Simone and Cecil are having a date lunch and I will not question Simone’s dress. The lunch starts out great, until Simone brings up the best friend that caused them strife and it all goes left. I don’t know if it is editing but Simone doesn’t let Cecil speak and gets all riled up about Cecil not understanding and validating her feelings on the hurt and she ends up walking out the restaurant. I may be mistaken but didn’t Simone put that in the shell in Antigua and let it go? Why bring it up when things are going well now? It was all in the past.

Following up on Lauren’s complaints about updating her fashion sense, she has invited the lovely Anthony (from Project Runway) to show Lauren some looks. I did not care for most of the clothes she tried on but if she likes it, I love it. I think the testimonial scene when Mariah says her life was not the same the moment her daughter was born, was very cute and genuine especially when she teared up. You could tell how much she loved her. Toya calls all the girls to invite them to a girls night out at the winery. It always amuses me when the ladies act like they have to check their schedules as if the call sheets haven’t been handed out and everyone knows to find their way to the outings since its their second job.

Heavenly continues her sham of a changed life and meets Mariah at a church to hash things out. I rolled my eyes. She didn’t make it through without cursing but Mariah accepts her apology and hopes they move forward in a positive direction. I don’t see this lasting in any way. Always trying to one up everyone, Heavenly ends with “we can set an example for the other ladies”.

It’s ladies night and Toya has rented a party bus. Once again, the edited out Dr. Jarrett shows up to stamp her time sheet. Contessa also arrives with tits ahoy. Mariah comes by but lets them know she is on call as Ayden is under the weather so if anything pops off she might have to bounce. Toya awkwardly brings up how she feels how everyone should be able to get things off their chest. Simone says they should say something that they need to work on. She says she needs to not be loud and cursing at people. Quad says she is extremely stubborn and she needs to work on it.

Contessa says she needs to work on meeting people where they are and not be so direct as they may not be ready to receive it. The ladies don’t like her answer because Toya asks her okay so what is your flaw? Simone slyly says we need to look in the mirror and not say things behind peoples backs. Contessa says she does not talk behind people’s backs and Toya shoots that that is a lie. Toya keeps calling Scott a liar but that sets Contessa off, she asks how she is supposed to respond because it sounds like she wants to get choked out. It really seems so silly and for some reason Toya gets up in a confrontational manner. Contessa doesn’t back down and there is awkward silence till Mariah starts humming Kumbaya My Lord looool.

The ladies have moved on and are trying the wine and Contessa from nowhere starts going on about how Toya keeps going on about Eugene’s weight but she feels like they (Toya and Eugene) are both in the same place. As everyone’s eyes are bulging out, so are mine. I’m like Contessaaaa, noooo! Simone lets her know that this is not helpful and Quad adds that she has to know Toya did not intentionally hit her.  She gets stern and tells her to be fair about people. Contessa still doesn’t apologize and just says “let’s move forward”

Mariah gets a call from Aydin and he lets her know he is feeling worse and headed to the ER. Simone pulls Jackie aside and tells her about her fight with Cecil. Jackie gives her good advice to stop projecting her hurt on to Cecil, she tells her she needs to learn to let go. Mariah gets a call back and goes into the bathroom to take the call. We hear her crying as somber music plays in the background. She steps back out to the ladies and lets them know he has viral meningitis and they all give her a hug and decide to head home so she can be with him.

Tune in for the season finale next week.


Last Notes

Always here for Jackie’s lip colors

Mariah has decided to stick to these colored contacts, 6 years and counting

I really like Jackie and Simone’s friendship and I don’t want reality TV to break it apart

Ever since a friend pointed out that Dr. Jarrett is basically a mute on this show, that is all I see. When they all pile up in the party bus and are consoling Mariah, they cut to her and she isn’t even talking and just shaking her head and it makes me chuckle. Like did they tell her to sit and look pretty?



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