
New on DVD this week – February 5

Celeste and Jesse Forever


Alex Cross




Here comes the boom








Little White Lies



So Undercover






My recommendation: Flight

Denzel gives a fantastic turn (albeit his usual textbook performance) in this movie about a pilot who saves a plane from crashing even though he was under the influence. The movie follows his journey after the crash and authorities find out he was under the influence. Don Cheadle and John Goodman (who I feel deserved nominations for this role) round out the cast for this movie.

If indie movies are more your speed: Celeste and Jesse Forever

I watched this movie with trepidation because the last Rashida Jones movie I saw bored the crap outta me. But this was a decent movie. Rashida Jones and Andy Sandberg play a separated couple who still do EVERYTHING together. The movie shows their story of trying to live separate lives and accepting when your journey with someone is over.





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