
Suits: Season 4 Episode 5


In this week’s episode of Suits, we’re still suffering with the Gillis/ SEC cases. Honestly, the ins and outs of the cases are just white noise to me at this point and I’ve resorted to counting down the minutes until Harvey and Mike’s tearful reunion. I almost got my wish with this episode but alas, in true Suits fashion, it did not last long.

Mike is still struggling with whether he’s going to stab Sidwell in the back or not and he actively pursues other funding avenues. Of course, the company he decides to purchase stocks in is conveniently the same company (Wexler) that Harvey and the other partners at Pearson/ Spector have their eyes on and once again we have the firm clashing with Mike.

Rachel, quite realistically (especially for Suits) is seriously struggling with the demands of Law School and working at one of the top firms in the city. With a lot of prodding from Mike, she goes to Harvey, hat in hand, and asks him for a couple of days off. Harvey, rather oddly, not only says no but says it in such a vitriolic way that it pushes Rachel to work even harder than before. This results in her fainting in one of her classes and she’s rushed to hospital where she’s heavily sedated in order for her body to recover.

It is this event that forces Harvey and Mike back together as their mutual concern for Rachel finds them both at the hospital at the same time. They bond over steaks while they wait for Rachel’s sedation to wear off and it’s just like old times. Harvey even informs Mike that he’s suspended the pursuit of the Wexler shares until Rachel is out of the hospital and they’re back on level footing. I wanted to cry in relief at seeing these two knuckleheads back on good terms. Suits really shines when these two are together and this scene just further highlighted how annoying all their bickering has been. I feel like the writing is stronger when Mike and Harvey are on good terms and it’s just nice to see people getting along without any extra bullshit.

Of course this season of Suits is determined to be as annoying as possible so the men have barely swallowed their steaks before we find out that Jessica has gone ahead and purchased the Wexler stock from right under Mike’s nose. Harvey has nothing to do with this of course but we must manufacture conflict where we can, and Mike refuses to believe that he had nothing to do with this. He immediately reinstates their tedious “war” and we, the audience, collectively roll our eyes.

In other news, an oddly large amount of screen time is dedicated to the fact that Donna has decided to star in a Shakespearean play and ropes Louis into helping her learn her lines. It’s utterly predictable and tells us nothing new about their characters. I’m really struggling to understand why so much time was spent on something that’s clearly filler in only the fifth episode of the season but maybe the show will surprise me.

Next week seems to focus even more on the thrilling Gillis case [sarcasm] but we can at least look forward to whatever fantastic dress Jessica will choose to wear next. See you then.

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