
Best Things I Watched on TV in 2017

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It’s that time of the year again. Everyone is rounding up all the best TV that they watched. It gets harder and harder every year as the number of shows keep increasing. I watched a lot of TV this year, Netflix made sure of that and even then, I didn’t get to see all the shows that I wanted to. In the past, I’ve kept it to a number which led to the exclusion of some shows but this year, I decided it’s my blog and I’ll do what I want and just list the shows I enjoyed the most without attaching a number to it (who gon’ check me boo?). Before I start my list, you can click on the links to see the ones for 2014, 2015 and 2016. You’ll notice certain shows have made an appearance every single year since I started this.

In no particular order:

  1. Feud: I am under the Ryan Murphy spell and I completely enjoyed this miniseries that showcases the beef between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Exceptional performances. (FX)
  2. Girls: I know we are supposed to hate Lena Dunham but I cannot deny how great this final season was. Like wow. It went from a show I hated to something brilliant. Episode 3 (American Bitch) with Matthew Rhys completely blew my mind. Too bad the season wasn’t capped off with a fitting finale. The finale was so terrible but the season as a whole was fantastic. (HBO)
  3. Catastrophe: One of my perennials. I can’t gush enough about this show. And I am even more impressed as to how they’ve carried on an interesting storyline beyond the one night stand to fully fledged family people dealing with marriage ruts. And that finale *gasp* tots wasn’t expecting that. (Amazon)
  4. Masters of None: I debated on whether to include this because I really hated that Italian woman storyline *rolls eyes* but I had to. The Thanksgiving and New York, I Love You episode were enough to make it earn its spots. I always say for a show with terrible actors, I don’t know how this show makes it work and ends up being so good. (Netflix)
  5. The Keepers: This Netflix original documentary. My God. What a chilling story. It’s so hard to fathom that this was something that happened for real. You think the story can’t get any worse and it does. It debuted before the flood of current sexual harassment allegations so it hit harder than it might have. A hard watch but produced so well. (Netflix)
  6. F is For Family: The first time I watched this show I stopped and was like meh. I went back and was like not so bad. The second season was so good and so realistic you might forget that it’s an animated show. (Netflix)
  7. The New Edition Story: Black people came together to watch this fantastic mini series on twitter early in the year. I am not sure my expectations were high and it was such a pleasant surprise. The casting, the music, the everything made it such a delight to watch. (BET)
  8. 30 for 30: Celtics/Lakers Best of Enemies: This reminded me of watching The People vs. OJ Simpson only because you know the outcome and yet you still felt the anticipation like you are watching a story unravel for the first time. It was a nice touch having super fans Ice Cube narrate for the Lakers side and Donny Wahlberg for the Celtics. I was completely engrossed in this. (ESPN)
  9. The Defiant Ones: Probably the closest we have ever come to getting into Dr. Dre’s life and his unlikely relationship with Jimmy Iovine. It was fun seeing how they rose in their careers and seeing the wins along the way. (HBO)
  10. Last Chance U : With an all new roster of players and the only returning cast members being Coach Buddy and Counselor Brittany Wagner (who quit at the end), I didn’t think it would be as captivating as season 1 but it was. Gosh, my heart strings were tugged all over again watching men who are unknowingly self-sabotaging and who are victims of their circumstance and bad decisions. You got to see beyond football how as human beings it’s truly a tricky thing to just label someone “good” or “bad” (Netflix)
  11. Game of Thrones: AH! Who would have thought this would make my list someday. In previous years, I have given disclaimers on how my list is not where to come looking for it. But the first season where the writers weren’t dependent on the book did it for me (ironically, this is the season die hards considered weak *shrugs) I was actually invested in what was happening. (HBO)
  12. Insecure: I love this show so much. The characters are the most annoying, immature group of people but the stories are real and you can find one or two that you relate to. (HBO) 
  13. One Mississippi: I liked the first season but the second season was elevated with Tig subtly addressing Louis CK (which was not public as at the time it aired)with a sexual assault plot. In addition to that, Sheryl Lee Ralph’s guest starring turn as the love interest for Tig’s step-father was one of the best things to view. (Amazon)
  14. The Good Fight: I was a little slow on catching up to this but I remember watching the pilot the day it premiered and thinking this was one of the best pilots I had ever seen. I was that impressed. I didn’t think a spin off was a good idea but thank God I know nothing. They have been able to create a show that stands on its own legs without Alicia Florrick, not to add having it center around a predominantly African American law firm. Marissa FTW. There’s also something that adds to a show that feels all network-y yet they can say the f-word  (CBS All Access)
  15. Bojack Horseman: One of my favorite shows and every year has actually been good. This year ventured into Bojack’s past and how it played out to who he is today. I also appreciate how they are able to give the supporting players and equally even story line (Netflix)
  16. Big Mouth: This is the third animated show on my list. Who am I?? This show is brilliant. It’s not for everyone and can be hella crass but it’s a show geared to show you how most teenager brains work once puberty starts creeping in. Mya Rudolph did her thing to the max on this. As did Nick Kroll (Netflix)
  17. This is Us: My forever faithful (all one and half seasons). I know some people are turning on it slowly but I still quite enjoy the show (even as my hate for Kate grows). They still manage to bang out an enjoyable show and I still love Jack and Randall and that’s all I care about (NBC)
  18. Amazing Mrs. Maizel: Well, this was unexpected, I went in blind and ended up loving it. I found out later that it was written by the Palladinos (best known for Gilmore Girls). You can tell the similarity because Midge’s conversations is just as rabid as Lorelai’s was. The show tells the story of a Jewish woman who married young and catered to her husband’s every whims only for him to leave her and she ends up finding solace in the comedy world. I will go ahead and make a bold statement that I am quite okay with Rachel Brosnahan who plays Mrs Maizel break Julia Louis-Dreyfus Emmy winning streak. (Amazon)
  19. The Crown: Every time I talk about this show, I still surprise myself with how much I love it. The best friend says nothing really happens on the show but then I can rattle off a number of things that do happen but because it’s such a contained, subtle show (just like the monarchy itself, heh) it feels like nothing is happening. I google so much when I watch. Episode 6 of Season 2 ended with real life footage and I felt chills in my bones. Claire Foy is a gem as Queen Elizabeth, she did her time on the show justice. (Netflix)

I typed up all the shows and it turned out to be 19. I decided to round it up and make it 20.

20. The Leftovers: This show that has conflicted me from jump, one of my hate watches that I went back to. I still can’t tell you anything about what this show is about but I respect this show because there is nothing really like it and probably won’t be for a while. How the show manages to raise many emotions and thought provoking issues is amazing. Add in the spiritual or some may argue mystical angle. Oh and the great acting, it’s really an experience (HBO)

Edit* My #20 should have been Stranger Things 2! I totally expected the second season to be a flop but I was all in and so invested and enamored all over again by these kids they found for this show. We just have to pretend like the sister episode didn’t happen. Agreed? Good. (Netflix)

Well that’s all I have folks. I am sure I must have left some shows out. I have mentioned before how I never include comedies which is terrible but special shout out to Better Things and Jane the Virgin. JTV still keeps my heart warm and I look forward to watching every week.

I’d like to hear your thoughts and comments. What do you agree or disagree with?

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