Couple of years ago, I did a post on my 5 favorite TV dramas. In the time that has passed since then, all but one of the shows have gone off the air. It used to be that when you asked me my favorite show, I’d reply with “Mad Men” without skipping a beat. Since it ended, I realized I didn’t have a show that I could call a favorite and that bothered me. I decided to force myself to sit and think about it and come up with a/some favorites.
Just like I mentioned in my post of yonder, you are not going to see Walking Dead or Game of Thrones on my list. I find it hard to combine dramas and comedies together in one list. My brain can only categorize them separately. I don’t know if that’s fair or not but that is why you won’t see the likes of Blackish or Veep on the list even though I think they are one of the most brilliantly done shows on TV. Another “k-leg” rule I have is that if a show categorized by award shows as a comedy is an hour, I don’t consider it a comedy.
My list, except for #1 is in no particular order. Without further ado, here are the 5:
5. Shameless – The lone survivor from my last list. I have to give kudos how the writers are able to find more lows to sink to even when the Gallaghers hit the lowest low – for 7 seasons. There was a misstep last season but the current season has them back on track.
4. Rectify – The best show that no one is watching (How many of you know where your Sundance Network is?). It’s in the same company as Mad Men, in that it can be quite slow but is a poignant show that deals with the perpetual conflict of just being a human being that we all deal with. The effects of a man wrongfully(?) sentenced to prison and how his release affects not only him but everyone around him. Aden Young delivers a hella, hella strong performance and every week my heart strings are tugged. Its final season is currently airing but you can find all previous seasons on Netflix.
3. Grey’s Anatomy – And in its 13th season, it still lived and with vigor too. It’s 11th season was one of its best seasons and I was reminded why this show has longevity. They’ve lost so many cast members and had them replaced and yet the only character I miss is Yang and that’s just because who wouldn’t miss Yang? Not till the second episode of this season did I remember that Callie was no longer on the show and I didn’t even miss a beat when McDreamy died. That’s a testament to its greatness.
2. Jane the Virgin – I really struggled with this choice. I mean there’s Homeland, there’s House of Cards and most especially there’s The Americans (this was the strongest contender). But you know, just because a show is so serious and action packed doesn’t automatically make it better than a show that’s campy and just a boatload of fun. I immensely enjoy this show and all its little elements that keep it balanced even as a telenovela-esque show.
- BoJack Horseman – So this is for real, for real my favorite show on “TV” (seeing as its on Netflix). For someone who used to claim they didn’t like animation – I don’t think I can make that claim anymore. It’s such a perfect combo of funny, dark and introspection. In a world where humans and animals mingle, marry and speak together there are so many clever puns and I honestly forget that I am watching a show that doesn’t involve actual humans.
So there you have it folks. These are my top picks. I should add that I usually don’t include shows that haven’t notched a full season on their belts because they have to prove themselves because if that was the case, This Is Us would have easily been on that show – hands down the best new show. All my honorable mentions can be found somewhere within the posts.
I’d love to hear what YOUR top 5 are. Feel free to leave a comment!
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