Bummer. The episode didn’t start with someone in the shower as it has in the last 2 episodes:( Instead it started with two long lost cast members, Karlie Redd and Rasheeda. Karlie Redd was in the studio doing what turned out to be a diss song against K Michelle. She gives us a rundown of her life in the last year and tells us how she’s been in the studio – we still haven’t heard anything from her. Oh and she’s also walked the runway *blank stare*. She joins Rasheeda and Traci and tries to get Rasheeda to join her on the diss record. Traci even puts her two cents that she’ll play it if she got on it. They talk about Mimi’s upcoming housewarming and we switch over to Erica cooking Scrappy some dinner. Scrappy runs through and tells her about his momma/Shay debacle, stating he wants to be honest with her and let her know everything that was going on. Erica decides she’s had enough and it’s quite disrespectful. She asks Scrappy if she needs to talk to Momma Dee and Scrappy decides they all need to sit together with both their moms and talk this out.
We see Mimi’s housewarming and independence celebration (independence from what?). Anyways, Mimi’s housewarming was popping yo! It had 4 people and there was no music – woohoo! All was going well, Rasheeda is asking Mimi about her new found clarity and all of a sudden, fine ass Ariane instigated and asked K Michelle if she was okay cuz she was quiet and Rasheeda and K Michelle need to say hi to each other. Rasheeda starts a soliloquy about not wanting to be “a grown ass woman arguing with the next grown ass woman” and somewhere in that soliloquy she lost the plot and did get into an argument. She decided to stop and grabs her purse and leaves, as she leaves K Michelle says “tell Kirk[her husband] and his 3 earrings I said hello. Rasheeda walks up to her and K Michelle slaps the cup out her hand and starts kicking and security has to step in. It ends with K Michelle calling Rasheeda a “Georgia Prune” and Rasheeda calling K Michelle a “Keyshia Cole wanna be”
Scrappy went to holla at his mom about the “sichu-yation”. At some point in the convo he says “I don’t be with the junk. That ain’t my range” – no idea what that means. Momma Dee lies and says she ran into Shay on the street and responds with rounding the cannon and looking down at all the peasants and royal bloods and the queen apologizes. Even Scrappy is confused. He asks her to cook and come to dinner. Momma dee says she is willing to oblige (she said um-blige) the prince.
Not less than 10 minutes after celebrating her independence, Mimi is sitting with Stevie in the most useless scene of this episode. It was a pointless conversation that could have been done over the phone, I mean at some point Stevie was flexing his muscles. Stevie basically kept asking where she lived and if she’s seeing anyone to which Mimi says “I’m doing me”. Stevie once again says he will find her, again MImi says “you always do”. Rashida tells her husband about the fight and her husband addresses K Michelle implying he was gay by saying “If I wanted to be gay, I’ll be gay. I’m 100% real, hood street cat. Do your homework”…and not till he said that did I question his sexuality. In conclusion, Rasheeda decided K Michelle is jealous she has a husband and she doesn’t. Ok then.
Joseline in her full ass crack glory was shown doing a performance that seemed to be sponsored by VH1 and Mona Scott. When she was done, the gate keeper appeared and Joseline appropriately asked why he was here dressed as Malcolm X. He said he was here to get paid for her performance – and this is the difference between Joseline and Mimi. Joseline checks Stevie and says he should get Molly the maid to clean the house and find her contract then he can get paid and until then there’s nothing to show and she and her friend walk out to the dumpster to finish their conversation. Joseline calls Karly to gossip and somehow they are comparing their “coochies” and they decide Joseline’s is rubies and Karlie’s is diamonds. Karlie lets slip that Benzino says he had sex with Joseline. Joseline didn’t skip a beat and was like “Why would I smash someone that ain’t got no neck. I need a neck. I need to lick on your neck”. I love this girl.
The night of The Ratchet Supper arrives. Erica, Scrappy, Momma Dee and Mama Mignon are seated. The good news was this time Momma Dee’s hair is tamed a bit. I learned that “piznayay” means part. The bad news is this dinner went south fast and Erica went off on Momma Dee, security guys worked for their money again. Scrappy got so mad at Erica he asked for his ring back which Erica refused to give. The episode ended like last week’s, Scrappy grabbed a few clothes on a hanger and got out the house. Whew, how interesting. Erica should have just walked away but I have learned that the women on this show are so hot blooded and she didn’t. They’ll more than likely get back together anyways. Did you watch? What did you think?
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Ok I watched this tonight and I think homeboy( mama Dee) is a trouble maker and if she likes Shay so much why don’t she get with her.and joseline is straight up stupid Stevie is pimping her dumb ass.and rasheeda and k.Michelle sat there and let that bald headed heffa pump them up to argue and fight. And scrappy is going to jump right back in what’s bed and her dumb ass will accept him.
Your recaps are certified funny. Night of the Ratchet Supper. Hilarity. I don’t dig K.Michelle but Rashida and her ghey husband should go and sit somewhere.