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Love and Hip Hop New York: Season 4 Episode 1

Love and Hip Hop New York: Season 4 Episode 1 

The season started with a brief insight into each character on the show and we see some new faces have been added to the lineup. The show truly begins with Yandy slicing up veggies and telling us how she was swept away by Mendeecee’s proposal last season. She starts yelling “Mendeecees! Mendeecees!” which I think was Mona Scott’s attempt at a fake out as if he would turn the corner, instead Mendeecees’ son comes running out as Yandy tells us that she decided to take up his responsibilities and his son still comes by(Couldn’t help but think how the baby mama was okay with this). She tells us they decided not to tell the kids that he’s in jail as little Mendeecees tells Yandy that he has known that his dad has been in jail which Yandy isn’t happy about, there goes their plan. The scene changes to someone stepping out a grout infested shower and we are introduced to Tara – naturally a wannabe actress- who has been dating Peter Gunz for 13 years and they have 2 children. Peter Gunz has been in the game “a strong 15 years” but he is not able to provide a house for his family. He waxes poetic about how much he loves his girl and his family, which can only mean he is lying.

Rich Dollaz comes on screen for a showcase for “new talent” (man poor Rich, this man can’t hit for nothing) anyways he announces himself and Yandy were opening up a label and the new artist is introduced Amina Butterfly (also a new character). She performed and even moved Yandy to tears :/ The character panned way too much to Gunz’s girl that it was suspicious. She and Gunz separate to talk privately and clearly these two have way more than a business relationship going as they were flirting, at some point she reached for a kiss on the cheek and in a blink if you miss it moment Gunz looked back guiltily probably to make sure his girl wasn’t looking. We see Joe Budden and Tahiry and she confirms they are back together and even doing therapy. We learn that they are not having sex because Budden refuses to wear a condom and Tahiry asked him to have tests first. He says when it comes back clean it’s baby time, Tahiry says he needs a ring first and in a funny moment Joe says “what ring, Nuvo ring? You wear that not me” lol. The two seemed determined to make it work but it’s Joe Budden it can’t be that straight forward.

Erica Mena walks in in slo mo, tits first and tells us she’s shopping for lingerie for her new sex book. Ok then. Richie joins her and she tells us how her crazy relationship with Rich has driven her to start dating women. Then we find out that Amina Butterfly is Gunz’s ex. Erica tells him that she doesn’t trust Peter Gunz and he should watch out and be careful. We see Amina Butterfly and Gunz  having a jam session in the studio. One minute they were having a conversation and she tells us it’s hard to stay focused with her sexy manager and next thing we see is them full on making out on her piano. He tells us that he fell in love with Amina and musically they are connected but Tara is his soul mate. Looord, here we go…Krazy Michelle makes her debut in LAHHNY as she exists a private jet. Naturally, K Michelle says her plan is to get her “whoo-ha” together. Tara is complaining about Peter not coming home last night, they meet up in the park and she asks him about a picture of him and Amina on Instagram. She asks if he is fucking Amina and he flat out says no. Then we hear that while Tara was pregnant, he fathered another child..I think we found our New York Mimi, ladies and gentlemen.

Yandy and Mendeecee get into an argument about him not paying her enough attention and  even though he’s in jail they are still in a relationship and he can do better. While they are going back and forth, all I can think about is why Yandy is using an old ass phone. Amina and Gunz are in bed together and she tells us they’ve been together for a year…the NY Joseline ladies and gentlemen. Joe and Tahiry are having a date night. I know I am crazy but I am rooting for these two but again…it’s Joe Budden. Yandy and Tara meet up for girl night and it would appear Yandy is determined to only wear crop tops this season and show them abs. She vents to Tara about Mendecee’s woes and episode 1 and I am already tired of this storyline. Rich and Gunz are on and Rich is telling him how dating his artist is wrong and he can’t say “I don’t want to lose my family and you’re doing everything you can to lose your family”. Ironic, seeing as Gunz was the one who told Rich to back away from Erica Mena. Gunz goes to get a drink and Rich starts talking to Amina about mixing business and pleasure and how she needs to play her position. Amina drops a bomb and shows him a tattoo that says “Mrs Pankey” and reveals that they are married. True or false? I guess we’ll find out cuz its shaping up to be a fun season.

Oh and correction it’s Amina Buddafly.


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1 Comment

  1. mpb

    Favorite lines from your post:
    -She starts yelling “Mendeecees! Mendeecees!” which I think was Mona Scott’s attempt at a fake out as if he would turn the corner
    -He waxes poetic about how much he loves his girl and his family, which can only mean he is lying. 
    -He tells us that he fell in love with Amina and musically they are connected but Tara is his soul mate. 
    This is where i stopped watching cos i couldnt handle another Joseline-stebie-mimi storyline…but i will be catching my fix here at 🙂 Good job!

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