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My Guilty Pleasure – Little Women:LA

My Guilty Pleasure – Little Women:LA 

Okay..I know you are thinking with the amount of reality shows I watch, I should have 100’s of guilty pleasures but..ok yea I do. My latest on the list is “Little Women: LA”. I don’t know how to describe what it is that I feel when I watch this show. This reality show is a show about 6 friends who happen to be little people (in LA). It has everything that every reality show with 6 women in it has, with just a little less ratchet. The women love, fight, date and live life like any regular person.

In the few episodes that have aired, I have learned things I never knew about little people such as the different types of dwarfism and the nicknames they give themselves to identify, the 50% life expectancy on a little person baby if both the parents have the same type of a certain gene. In spite of moments where you do feel bad for them a little when you see them face their struggles, it really is just a fun and fascinating show to watch. I mean the show starts with them at a burlesque dance class, what’s not to love?  I will give you a run down of the characters from L-R

Traci – is the goody goody of the group and is getting married soon. She lives with her fiance but they stay in separate bedrooms and she gets flustered at any sexy talk.

Terra – is the leader of the pack. Besides looking like a mini Jenni Garth, she is a feisty blonde who works as a Lady Gaga/Britney impersonator. She lives with her boyfriend and is packing in the booty department.

Elena – is the Russian bombshell and practically the Giselle of the group. She has a different type of dwarfism and looks like a really short person but you can tell she is a little person.  Terra is obviously threatened by her. Elena is married to an average (what they call regular sized) tall, African American man (Terra says it was for green card lol)

Briana – is the shortest of them. She is going through a divorce and has a 4 year old daughter.

Tonya – is looking for romance and has a 22 year old daughter that is average sized.

Christi – is the “villain” of the show. You can tell she is insecure because she always has a cutting remark and always tries to steal the show. She is dating Briana’s ex and keeps pushing for a ring. She is also a recovering alcoholic.

Give the show a chance and let me know what you think. It airs on Tuesdays at 10/9c on Lifetime

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1 Comment

  1. jubekwe

    Lol. Since I saw your post in blogspot I already caught up on 3 episodess, I have say its interesting, I think its just getting to see they live normal lives like everybody else with their struggles with been little people. I like it.

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