It’s always a good time to add a podcast to your rotation. Podcasts serve as a good companion or background noise in a number of activities – commuting to work, blocking out the noise at work, while cleaning – the possibilities are endless.
True crime podcasts seem to be the cream of the crop and top choice for most listeners. Personally, majority of my podcast listens consist of reality show recaps (hey! I hear the judgement in your voice) but I dabble in a bit of everything here and there. I see requests for podcast listens on my TL often, while I usually post my recommendations on Instagram (follow me! – @taynementdotcom), I decided to put a few of my recent listens on here in case anyone found it interesting

I listened and I legit felt chills around my heart as I listened because truly the heart of man is wicked. It tells the story of how a man used a woman for green card and the lengths he went to including abuse. As the protagonist put it, he was a narcissist.
I liked the format and how it flowed. The host really let the protagonist tell her story and didn’t take over. They even had a section where they had a lawyer explain immigration laws and how the demon in the story got away with certain things. Oh and I also liked both hosts providing their insights at the end.
I’ve subscribed and plan to listen to the rest of the episodes. So if you’re looking for something to listen to or just want to support a project by fellow Africans, I recommend checking this out.

The Moment is about love, relationships and couple’s various stories about making it to the alter amidst bumps. The host of the series @ingridhaas recently got engaged and talks to couples about their journey while also telling us about hers. One couple took a leap of faith. He’d been in love with her since college and she had no idea who he was. They started dating while she was freezing her eggs and he agreed to make embryos with her, before they even had sex. If you’re looking for something to listen to, it’s only 5 episodes so far and a nice break from the true crime and grim podcasts out there

Anyone of these podcasts catch your fancy?
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