Oh my gosh….9 letters…9 letters send me into a frenzy. A frenzy of excitement, anticipation, and good old fun. People look for that sensation in roller coasters, drugs, sex, food…okay yes, I like some of those too lol, but man my fix …oh lawd, my fix comes in my 9 letters. Have I piqued your curiosity yet on what could be so fantabulous???? Wait for it…wait for it…
What’s not to love? but here are my top10 reasons:
- Gore, blood, guts being ripped out, blood, blood…I loved Spartacus too
- Eric Northman (you know those childhood mills and boons or temptations with a description of a nordic god…yeah he is pretty much that)
- Emotions…one minute I love a character and the very next I could hate them
- Passion. Um yeah…Sookie and Bill sex scene, Sookie and Alcide sessions, Sookie and Eric sessions, and now Sookie and Warlow
- Comedy. The ultimate one liner award goes to Jason Stackhouse. Then let us not forget Pam and Lafayette….heeelarious.
- Story. Shoot me I love the story lines and twists. People don’t like this season and I cannot fathom why.
- Eye candy…nuff said
- Non political correctedness (screw my bad grammar)…but I love how they play on different societal stereotypes
- Fang pop (made that up). There is this sizzle and pop sound effect the show has when the vampires show their fangs. It makes me tingle. Yeah I am weird…sue me.
- All the other sups (supernaturals). Kinda like why Xmen is my favorite comic series. I love seeing people mutate, shift, transform into non-human entities that don’t involve wearing a leotard and cape.
So in true Nigerian debate format….I hope I have convinced you and not confused you to please watch True Blood on HBO via DX3, and all its awesome entertaynement (nice right?) factor!
Submitted by MPB in Atlanta, GA
*Image via google images
Lover of all things pop culture. I see, I think, I write. TV is the favorite child. Reality Shows are my guilty pleasures - without the guilt. So just pleasures? Award Show season gives me a high.
Chit Chat with me on anything popculture. You can find me via:
Twitter - @taynemendotcom
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Email - Taynement@gmail.com
Available for freelance writing and sponsored posts.
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